- 2025.01.13 Electron Device Letter(IEEE)|熊澤輝顕|The Temperature coefficient of threshold voltage for high voltage 4H-SiC FinFET
- 2024.11.18 Semiconductor Science and Technology|熊澤輝顕|The FinFET effect in lateral 4H-SiC and Silicon multi-gate MOSFETs
- 2024.11.11 Light Science & Applications |舘鋼次郎|Dual-sided transparent display
- 2024.10.29 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials |三宅裕樹|Composition analysis of β-(InxGa1-x)2O3 thin films coherently grown on (010) β-Ga2O3 via mist CVD
- 2024.09.12 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics|榎本哲也|Reduction mechanism of loss tangent of ScAlN thin film by post-deposition annealing
- 2024.09.11 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics|三宅裕樹|Demonstration of β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3/β-Ga2O3 Superlattice Growth by Mist CVD
- 2024.06.17 Applied Physics Express|池山和希|Enhanced field-effect mobility (> 250 cm2/V·s) in GaN MOSFETs with deposited gate oxides via mist CVD
- 2024.05.24 IEEE Sensors Journal|川原彰悟|A 30-nΩ Accuracy Low Power Two-step Ratiometric Shunt Resistance Measurement System Using a Switching Regulator-based Current Generator for Shunt-based Current Sensors
- 2024.05.02 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics|榎本哲也|Influence of underlayer roughness on the properties of Sc0.4Al0.6N thin films prepared via sputter deposition
- 2024.02.22 電子情報通信学会|高沢剛史|車内環境における音声認識のための多チャンネルブラインド音源分離の性能評価
- 2024.02.20 Applied Physics Express|石田崇|Demonstration of recycling process for GaN substrates using laser slicing technique towards cost reduction of GaN vertical power MOSFETs
- 2024.01.30 EuMW2022|幸谷真人|Thinned array distribution with grating lobe canceller at any scan angle for automotive radar applications
- 2024.01.24 AIPadvances|三宅裕樹|High conductivity of n-type β-Ga2O3(010) thin films achieved through Si doping by mist chemical vapor deposition
- 2023.10.29 IEEE Sensors|川原彰悟|A 30-nΩ Accuracy Low Power Two-step Ratiometric Shunt Resistance Measurement System Using a Switching Regulator-based Current Generator for Shunt-based Current Sensors
- 2023.10.20 情報処理学会|大矢晃示|量子インスパイアードマシンによるリアルタイム車両群制御 安全安心・低燃費な車両流の実現をめざして
- 2023.10.20 自動車技術会|大矢晃示|量子インパイアード車載プラットフォームの提案と試作
- 2023.05.31 Journal of Materials Science|大川峰司|Characterization of dislocations at the emission site by emission microscopy in GaN p-n diodes
- 2023.04.23 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference|和田祥太郎|A 3.9kHz bandwidth and 2μV offset current sensor analog front-end with a capacitively coupled amplifier using a dual frequency conversion technique
- 2023.04.03 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics|三宅裕樹|Homoepitaxial growth of Ge doped β-gallium oxide thin films by mist chemical vapor deposition
- 2023.03.14 Applied Physics Letters|長里喜隆|Effects of proton irradiation-induced point defects on Shockley–Read–Hall recombination lifetimes in homoepitaxial GaN p–n junctions
- 2023.03.13 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II|根塚智裕|A 79.2-μW 19.5-kHz-BW 94.8-dB-SNDR Fully Dynamic DT ΔΣ ADC Using CLS-Assisted FIA With Sampling Noise Cancellation
- 2023.02.20 JJAP RAPID COMMUNICATION|原一都|Effect of H2 addition on growth rate and surface morphology of GaN(0001) grown by halide-vapor-phase epitaxy using GaCl3
- 2023.02.19 IEEE International Solid-State Cirtuits Conference|根塚智裕|A 40A Shunt-Based Current Sensor with ±0.2% Gain Error from -40°C to 125°C and Self-Calibration
- 2022.09.28 EuMC2022|幸谷真人|Thinned Array with Steerable Nulls to cancel Grating Lobe for Automotive Radar Applications
- 2022.09.26 IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics|石野寛|Online Condition Monitoring of Solder Fatigue in a Clip-Bonding SiC mosfet Power Assembly via Acoustic Emission Technique
- 2022.09.21 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits|根塚智裕|A Versatile ±25-A Shunt-Based Current Sensor With ±0.25% Gain Error From −40 °C to 85 °C
- 2022.07.15 Journal of Crystal Growth|神田貴裕|Investigation of propagation and coalescence of threading screw and mixed dislocations in 4H-SiC crystals grown by the high-temperature gas source method
- 2022.07.06 【受賞】ISPSD2022|籠島瑛二|Experimental Demonstration, Challenges and Prospects of the Vertical SiC FinFET
- 2022.07.01 JJAP RAPID COMMUNICATION|原一都|Suppression of cluster formation in GaN growth by tri-halide vapor phase epitaxy with external GaCl3 gas supply system
- 2022.05.22 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics|山田英雄|Effect of structural relaxation at bellow crystallization temperature on internal stress of Ni–Nb–Zr thin film amorphous alloys diaphragm for micro electromechanical systems sensors
- 2022.02.22 IEEE International Solid-State Cirtuits Conference|根塚智裕|A ±25A Versatile Shunt-Based Current Sensor with 10kHz Bandwidth and ±0.25% Gain Error from -40°C to 85°C Using 2-Current Calibration
- 2022.01.27 Scientific Reports |渡辺弘紀|Identification of type of threading dislocation causing reverse leakage in GaN p–n junctions after continuous forward current stress
- 2021.12.14 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II|根塚智裕|Fully Dynamic Discrete-Time ΔΣ ADC Using Closed-Loop Two-Stage Cascoded Floating Inverter Amplifiers
- 2021.11.01 Journal of Magnetic Resonance|程帆|A 2.0-GHz compact ESR spectrometer for monitoring automobile lubrication oil degradation
- 2021.10.26 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference|星野雄斗|Characteristics of Ni-Nb-Zr thin film amorphous alloy diaphragms annealed below crystallization temperature
- 2021.10.06 Applied Physics Express|長里喜隆|Analysis of intrinsic reverse leakage current resulting from band-to-band tunneling in dislocation-free GaN p–n junctions
- 2021.08.01 電気学会産業応用部門|永井貴規|電動車両のパワーコントロールユニットの高性能化インバータ関連技術と動向
- 2021.06.22 Applied Physics Letters|長里喜隆|Increase of reverse leakage current at homoepitaxial GaN p-n junctions induced by continuous forward current stress
- 2021.06.15 Materials Sience in Semiconductor Processing|永岡達司|Rapid homoepitaxial growth of (010) β-Ga2O3 thin films via mist chemical vapor deposition
- 2021.04.30 エレクトロニクス実装学会|青島正貴|直流反転電流がはんだ接合部のエレクトロマイグレーション進展に与える影響
- 2021.04.23 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics|富田英幹|Dependence of the interfacial atomic structure of SiO2/GaN upon SiO2 deposition methods and post-deposition annealing, as revealed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
- 2021.04.16 Applied Pysics Express |大川峰司|Determination of Mg acceptor concentration in GaN through photoluminescence
- 2021.01.20 JSSC(Journal of Solid State Circuits)|幸谷真人|77GHz CMOS Built-In Self-Test with 72dB C/N and less than 1ppm frequency tolerance for a multi-channel radar application
- 2020.12.04 Applied Physics Express|石田崇|Improvement of channel property of GaN vertical trench MOSFET by compensating nitrogen vacancies with nitrogen plasma treatment
- 2020.08.19 【受賞】The Japan Society of Applied Physics|神田貴裕|Reduction in dislocation densities in 4H-SiC bulk crystal grown at high growth rate by high-temperature gas-source method
- 2020.08.18 【受賞】ISPSD2020|加藤武寛|Enhanced Performance of 50nm Ultra-Narrow-Body Silicon Carbide MOSFETs Based on FinFET Effect
- 2020.07.20 ESSCIRC2020|幸谷真人|Power Calibration Loop with High Accuracy of 10dBm ±0.5dB for a 77 GHz Radar Application
- 2020.07.03 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics|永岡達司|Determination of Zn-containing sites in β-Ga2O3 film grown through mist chemical vapor deposition via X-ray absorption spectroscopy
2020.05.01 日本半導体製造装置協会(SEAJ)|川井文彰|半導体で実現する自動車の現状と未来 その2 電動化技術とパワー半導体