- 2024.06.02 ISPSD2023 Best Poster Award 受賞|西脇剛|Design of 1200-V RC-IGBT for TOYOTA's 5th generation HEV/PHEV systems
- 2024.06.02 ISPSD2023 Ohmi Best Paper Award 受賞|斎藤順|Novel Diode Structure for Ultra-Low-Loss RC-IGBTs
2024.03.04 第50回 (2023年度) 岩谷直治記念賞を受賞|藤林裕明|高品質SiC単結晶膜の高速製造技術の開発と応用
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- 2020.09.18 ISPSD2020 Ohmi Best Paper Award 受賞|加藤武寛|Enhanced Performance of 50nm Ultra-Narrow-Body Silicon Carbide MOSFETs Based on FinFET Effect